Office Building of Stagg Law Firm

Focusing On The Client For Over 30 Years

Stagg Law Firm Helps Clients With Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury And More.

Family Law

Should you ask for spousal support?

Spousal support is financial assistance provided by one spouse to the other after divorce, and it can play a significant role in ensuring a fair and equitable resolution. Should you ask for spousal support in your divorce? There are a few factors to consider as you...

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What is an uncontested divorce in Georgia?

Divorce proceedings in Georgia fall into one of two categories: contested and uncontested. The difference between contested and uncontested divorce is whether or not both parties can come to an agreement on the terms of the divorce. What is an uncontested divorce? In...

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When do you qualify for spousal support?

Spousal support is not a guaranteed component of every divorce. However, if one spouse makes significantly more than the other and the marriage lasted 10 years or more, the chances are greater. There are certain circumstances, such as adultery, that affect your...

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How does Georgia determine child custody?

Georgia courts determine both legal custody and physical custody of children. The court may award more rights to one parent than another. The best interest of the child is the most important factor in custody decisions. Legal custody Legal custody regards the right to...

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Reasons to consider an uncontested divorce

Georgia law allows for couples to file for an uncontested divorce. This means that all issues related to property division, alimony and parental rights have been resolved at the time the divorce petition is received. There are several potential benefits to dissolving...

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